How to bring traffic on your Blog?

Blogging is one of the best platforms to make a website and earn money. It’s free and easy you don’t have to pay anything from your pocket and you don’t have to learn programming for this.

You just have to write post and decorate it well to make it attractive have to apply perfect template and fonts.
All done, your blog is set. But are you getting the traffic? Well it’s not easy because you are not alone in this web world many more peoples are in race.

So how will you get the traffic?

Well you have to keep something in your mind while creating posts, let’s have a look.

·      Interesting post- Make post on something trending, you topic should be something that attract peoples attention. Go for the trending news and topics or think something more interesting.
·      Title- Title should be interesting and SEO friendly. You can take help of Google keywords.
·      Content- You should write well and cover all the areas in the selected topic. It should be proper and helpful.
So all done, what next?       
Look there are 2 ways to bring traffic
1.  Paid traffic
2.  Unpaid traffic

I always prefer the unpaid 1. So let’s have a look the ways to bring unpaid traffic.

Organic- To bring organic traffic your post should be SEO friendly. Bringing organic traffic is a time taking process but it’s the best way of bringing traffic without doing anything. You don’t have to promote the link or share the link to anyone the traffic will come automatically and it have a long term effect.

Instant Traffic- There are some ways by which you can bring traffic instantly but it will not last long you have to keep repeating it. But it’s completely legal and works 100%.
1) Social media- Join discussion group on social networking sites and share your link with them. You can create fan page and can bring a lots of traffic from there.
2) Pinterest- one of the best ways to get traffic and it last longer than the social media section. Just open an account on Pinterest and set it well follow others to make them follow you. When you have a enough followers share you link, they will get notifications about it and will definitely visit the page.
Don’t take Pinterest as a light option it’s like a search engine and have many millions of active users.

Here the topic arise that how will you manage all this sharing sites? You have to post their regularly and it’s hard to perform it daily. And the most important this is that time does matters. The time you save in sharing the post you can use that time in writing more posts. Look there are many sites which will help you in this. They will do your job daily. 
They will post on your social media and Pinterest account.  Don’t worry it’s safe. There are many such sites but I prefer Buffer it’s the best I got.

Try these methods. Am 100% sure they will help you in bringing traffic, try and share your experience with us.

Q- What is organic traffic?
Ans- Traffic that comes automatically you don’t have to promote you page or share your page link.
Q- Title should be SEO friendly what does it mean?
Ans- It means you topic should be fresh and something peoples want to know.
Q- How will I manage my social media accounts daily?
Ans- There are many sites which will help you in this. You just have to fix the timer.

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