Some important pages you have to add to your Website

Some important pages you have to add to your blog.  Here am not taking about the Post am taking about the pages you can found the page section on the left hand side of your Blog dashboard.
Lot of people were complaining that they have sufficient amount of posts and a fully customized template but than also there AdSense application get rejected. The reason of those rejections was the lack of some important pages.
If you are facing the same problem am going to help you in this.

So what pages do we need to add first?

There are mainly 5 page which should be present on every website.

1)  Privacy Policy -  it’s the most important page. According to new laws in Europe and other parts of the world the website should tell the user that what information you are collecting from them and what will you do with those information. The privacy page can be generated by answering few simple questions. And many websites are currently present which will generate your privacy page. Some of them will do it by changing a few dollars and some are free. Just check them out on Google.

   2) Contact us- The 2nd is contact us page which can be generated by Google driver for free. Imagine you are on someone’s page and you like that page you want to contact the written to know more or you just want your ads to be shown with that post so how will you contact the written? Will all the websites have Contact us page and it helps a lot. Many of your views will try to reach you and will share their opinion on your post personally with you.

    3)  Terms and conditions- 3rd and one of the most important page you need is terms and conditions page. It’s simple to create you can write it on your own or just go on some website and they will generate this by just asking some questions.

    4)  Disclaimer- Many peoples will not tell you about this but yes this is an important part and you can generate this too by taking help of other websites. The will generate this too.

    5) About us-  In this you can write about yourself, your hobbies, what you are? What you do? What you like? Why you create posts? Etc. You have to write this on your own, it’s simple.

All these pages are very important if you want Google AdSense approval. And yes not only AdSense other site will require this to. These pages increases your chance to qualify the AdSense approval. All the Best!!!


Q- Any more important page we have to add?
Ans- Theses 5 pages are sufficient.
Q- How to generate Privacy Policy page?
Ans- Just search '’generate privacy policy'’ on Google, it will show you many websites which will help you in this.
Q- Google will charge me for building Contact us page?
Ans- It’s completely free.
Q- My site will get approval after I add these pages?
Ans- There are many more factors you just passed a step. The quantity of your Blog is the main factor. You will surely get approval if you have quality content and customized template.

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